Seven generations from now…

It’s interesting that amongst the many theories of what will wipe us out, if we continue along the electromagnetic trajectory we are on, one of the near givens that most doctors and scientists agree on, is that we will have become infertile within five to seven generations.  This week in the news, the citing of ‘strange, inexplicable’ DNA mutations in our unborn babies, along with a scratching of the head.  “What can be causing that?”.

fertility symbol of native American cultures – we are going to need more than a deity to ensure many more future generations

The North American Hopi approach to decision making about major community issues is to ask “what will this mean for the next seven generations?”.  To arrive at answers the Hopi close their eyes and visualise the faces of generations downstream from themselves, to the unborn lives to come.

It breaks my heart to witness the blatant disregard most of us have for our children’s futures and following generations.  What a legacy we are leaving behind.  If we take a leaf out of the Hopi book and try their visualisation approach in deciding how we proceed with our unfettered wireless addiction, we would see more cancer, more neurological disorders, mental illness, disease and disharmony.  But ultimately we would see no more people.  The human race extinct.  End of.

For a reminder of some of the more salient predictions see fertility on the decline, an article from 2014.



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