Greenwash – the truth behind Agenda 21

So you think you are sorted on the Climate Change argument …?

Is Greta Thunberg’s cause being hijacked by an insidious repurposing agenda draped in eco-sustainability? Has the moral highground of Extinction Rebellion become a Trojan horse for an incipient roll-out revolution of a different kind? Is the masquerade of taking care of mother Earth’s environment by saving and monitoring energy usage leading us sleep-walking into giving up our rights to privacy?

If energy and environment is that important why would universal cloud storage and the electric vehicle revolution threaten to consume an exponential increase of it in the future and how is the staggeringly high base load requirement being generated? Between 2012 and 2015 cloud storage alone consumed the equivalent of an additional five million cars running on UK roads. Multiply that worldwide and wonder what the digital age really says about progress.

Why are so many trees being culled in our cities when, for the sake of air quality, we should be planting literally trillions more? Look at your roadside verges: what do you see?

Global warming…? …Take another selfie.

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Leaves on the line (…or, where are all the trees going?)

Yes! The intended and unregulated roll-out of 5G is putting the future of trees on the line. No doubt you will recall the attempt to cull almost 18,000 trees in Sheffield in late spring of 2018.

This was purportedly because the maintenance of these mature trees was too costly for a city council seeking to make judicious budget savings, according to radio reports at the time. …Sounds responsible, if you’re not a tree-hugger. Try applying the point that 5G research report by the University of Sussex

highlights a key issue which will frustrate the unimpeded communicating signalling of 5G antennae (intended to be no further apart than 300 metres) will be tree canopies, and in particular, the leaves, when wet. Tree canopies have been badly designed: they occur at the very same height as the new 5G antennae.

This strategy is being rolled out across all of the sixteen 5G UK preliminary test cities. It is also being applied to 19 million trees on Network Rail’s land to implement a new communications protocol, which will operate on …. 5G.

NOTE: No studies to date – and there are none to do with the health effects upon humans – show that 5G is safe. This rule may be applied more widely.

Brexit! A great national entertainment topic to bury bad news for The Environment, your environment and your health.

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EMF-Aware, Exeter


There are a number of groups establishing around the UK, aimed at bringing people together to become informed about the impact of our electromagnetic environment on our health and wellbeing. We are in the process of establishing a similar group for residents of Exeter and the surrounding areas.

It is envisaged that such a group will allow members to pool knowledge, devise ways of tackling some of the issues pro-actively, and offer peer support. Initially, whilst the group is forming it will meet in Exeter on a monthly basis though regular attendance will be o

If you are interested in being part of such a group, please email or call 01392 461602. It is hoped that the group will launch in the early part of 2019.

EMFsurveys are facilitating the formation of this group and will have no controlling influence over it or commercial benefit from it.

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Seven generations from now…

It’s interesting that amongst the many theories of what will wipe us out, if we continue along the electromagnetic trajectory we are on, one of the near givens that most doctors and scientists agree on, is that we will have become infertile within five to seven generations.  This week in the news, the citing of ‘strange, inexplicable’ DNA mutations in our unborn babies, along with a scratching of the head.  “What can be causing that?”.

fertility symbol of native American cultures – we are going to need more than a deity to ensure many more future generations

The North American Hopi approach to decision making about major community issues is to ask “what will this mean for the next seven generations?”.  To arrive at answers the Hopi close their eyes and visualise the faces of generations downstream from themselves, to the unborn lives to come.

It breaks my heart to witness the blatant disregard most of us have for our children’s futures and following generations.  What a legacy we are leaving behind.  If we take a leaf out of the Hopi book and try their visualisation approach in deciding how we proceed with our unfettered wireless addiction, we would see more cancer, more neurological disorders, mental illness, disease and disharmony.  But ultimately we would see no more people.  The human race extinct.  End of.

For a reminder of some of the more salient predictions see fertility on the decline, an article from 2014.



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UK man sues Nokia for brain tumour

Read the full story here:

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Phonegate continues….

The latest news from France –

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Large scale recall of phones in France – ‘safety’ limits exceeded

“Phonegate:                                                                                                           millions of cell phones withdrawn due to dangerous radiation exposures

This story should have made international headlines but didn’t.  The following text was written by Lloyd Burrell of Electric Sense who lives in France where they are ahead of the UK when it comes to treating the safety of wireless telecommunications seriously.

On April 5, 2018, “60 Million Consumers” in France announced the recall of 90,000 “Hapi 30” phones made by “MobiWire”.  Other models could follow.

The ANFR (the French regulatory authority) stated in a press release that they had given, “notice to the company MobiWire on January 22, 2018 to take all appropriate measures to put an end to the non-compliance detected of the devices currently on the market as well as those already sold.
At the same time, the ANFR also published the test report of the Hapi 30 conducted last year which shows that the specific absorption rate (measure of microwave radiation absorbed by the human body) exceeds the regulatory threshold.
Dr. Marc Arazi, President of “Alerte Phonegate”, said “this concerns millions of mobile phones in France, tens of millions in Europe, hundreds of millions at the international level.”
The Environmental Health Trust states, “as a reminder 9 out of 10 phones tested in 2015 exceeded the regulatory limits, some reaching, in terms of the European standard, more than 7 W/kg, or, recalculated according to the U.S. standard, more than 20 W/kg, that is, exceeding ten times the thresholds, posing a risk to the health and safety of users“.
Jean Philips from EMFields comments, “this affects phone users all over the world, and maybe will make them think again about the safety of phone use and the effect the RF radiation may have on themselves and their families“.
The Hapi 30 mobile phones are among the best-selling ones and used by millions of French people, including many children.
This is a major public health issue and we must directly alert our public officials to the extremely serious consequences of their inaction. It is certain that if the governing officials do not take stock of their political responsibility, “Alerte Phonegate” is determined to draw all the legal conclusions from them,” said lawyer Jerome Karsenti who advises the association.


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Obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and EMFs – the perfect storm

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Diabetes – and the link with EMFs

Many of the developed world health epidemics have an apparent link with exposure to EMFs.  The exact relationship is complex but it is widely accepted now that EMFs contribute to obesity which in turn is linked to diabetes and Azheimer’s disease.

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The insidious growth of surveillance in our society

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